
Dreamean - פרויקט גמר, בצלאל.

דף הבית Dreamean

The final project of Gad Hakimi and Judy Stroweis, Bezalel 2009.
Dreaming is one of the most exciting human phenomena. Throughout history, different cultures presented their own viewpoint on this topic. Basically, what do dreams tell us? How should we interpret them? We believe that dream interpretation is not an exact science. Thus, there are various approaches.
Our vision in Dreamean is to concentrate in one site six cultures exposing different dream interpretations. We invite you to take an interactive journey that will both enrich your knowledge and allow you to have fun! Among the features displayed in our site: dream analyzer, symbols dictionary and virtual tours in this fascinating world. The creators of Dreamean are Gad Hakimi and Judy Stroweis, fourth-year students at Bezalel, Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Israel.